Zoom right into Melencolia here, its astonishing detail draws you into its landscape

Zoom right into Melencolia here, its astonishing detail draws you into its landscape

This weblink to a high resolution version of Melencolia reveals its extraordinary detail, which is so fine that the objects seem to subtly morph, one into the other, and you are led on a journey round the picture, as if you are in a dream, totally absorbed. Its artist, Albrecht Durer, pioneered and mastered the…

Time has changed for humanity since 2000, which we urgently need to fix

Time has changed for humanity since 2000, which we urgently need to fix

Time has become tighter within our consciousness in recent years, funnelling in, doors shutting, with many people feeling a lack of hope. And it’s endlessly looping, repeating itself. The hamster wheel of human existence is going faster and people seem to have no direct control. The world looks and feels a different place to when…